Thursday, January 10, 2013

Make A flash Wedding Website With affordable Price

If you are planning a wedding, it can take up to a year; so having a separate website for the planning where everyone can visit to help make decisions makes sense. This is especially true if people are scattered around the country or the globe.

However, while most hosting companies offer a static template and cheap hosting (sometime as little as five dollars a month) a static website doesn't help with a lot of the planning. This is because when you have to make decisions like choosing a band, a videographer, a photographer, dresses, and all of the other elements that go into a wedding, posting static pictures isn't enough.

You need video, audio, slide shows, and the other features that don't come with static web templates. This is why many hosting companies have developed a free flash template that you can use to post everything you need to make decisions about your wedding; along with the navigational tools to organize it.

With a flash wedding website, you can load up videos of the perspective bands, walking tours of reception halls and hotels, slideshows of potential photographers, and virtual maps for out of town guests. This means that anyone who is involved with your wedding can check for updates and help you make decisions as you go along. Even the vendors can check out your wedding website so that they can get a better idea of the overall theme and look you are going for and what to expect when they arrive.

All of the different aspects of your wedding plans can be organized on the homepage with topic buttons. For example, you could have a wedding book with the picture of the bride and groom on it with tabs that you could click on that would take you to the different parts of the website.

The tabs could be something like themes, tuxes and dresses, churches, hotels, venues, gifts registry, bands, photographers, flowers, menu, cakes, etc. Guests can even sign in and give you their menu preferences or measurements for tuxes right on the Internet.

The great thing about a flash template is not only that it is free, but it is also easy to use. There are no computer skills required to build a site with flash because they are all click and drag. There is no software to buy; all you have to do is load up your video, audio, photos, and text. Over the year, as plans change, you can post new information and images to your site as often as you wish.

The best part is that some hosting companies will even host your website for free. All you have to pay for is the domain name, about $15. That makes having a website for your wedding the perfect way to organize it, keep everyone updated, and keep everything in one place.

Guests will love going to the website to see what is going on, and the right flash template can be used to answer many of their questions. Or, guests could also post questions on line at their leisure, and you could just email a response. What could be better?


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